Thursday 29 August 2019

Some Anti-Theist Religious Bits & Pieces: Round Thirteen

Of those Big Questions key to philosophical ideas that encompass life, the universe and everything, the domains of philosophy and religions and the idea of divinities keep on interesting. Conclusions multiply in books, articles, recordings, discussions in bars and bars, and in actuality anyplace and wherever at least two people are in closeness. There's the genius side; there's the counter side. There aren't an excess of fence-sitters. I'm still in the counter camp as the accompanying odds and ends represent.

As to

*You needn't bother with a divine being to have importance and reason in your life.

*There is one characteristic that the multi-a great many contrasting religious conviction frameworks/philosophies have displayed and that is the intensity of the human creative mind to strikingly proceed to envision nonexistent ideas never envisioned. The world would be a less beautiful and fascinating spot without our different folklores.

*I think there ought to be obligatory religious and Biblical instruction in schools since that ought to guarantee a constant flow of nonbelievers growing up and entering the network!

*Religions regularly do great in order to cover the malicious they do, yet would now be able to do without risk of punishment.

*The Catholic Church: AIDS is terrible however the utilization of condoms is more awful since God does not affirm of 'anti-conception medication' in any way, shape or form. It is evidently educated in Africa by Catholics that utilizing condoms makes "Infant Jesus cry". Unusual.

*Then too we had the Catholic Church's Index of Prohibited Books. It wasn't only the Nazis that consumed books. Presently you must be extremely uncertain and uncertain of your religious philosophy and how to protect it in the event that you need to hole up behind a brought down shade that outcomes by the blue penciling of disparate sentiments. It's simply one more nail in Christianity's box.

*There's no more proof for casual and scattered religious conviction (like being profound without being an individual from any formal religious faction/association/church) than officially composed religion. It's everything only a type of "charm".

*When it comes to religion, "fall back on toleration when in doubt" True Believers are especially in the minority. (Through Greta Christina).

*Any religion is only a working theory about how life, the Universe and everything, except particularly the world, works. Accordingly, that religion is liable to examination and reply and being tested and adjusted as would some other working theory from some other topical region or of topic of worry to people, from the sciences through to political frameworks.

*We don't will in general go out to shop for the brand of religion we need among the majority of the unique and broadly contrasting brands of religion on offer and afterward picking the most reasonable the manner in which we accomplish for the multi brands of parcels of bread rolls on offer at the market or for a particular brand or design name of dress at the women style shop and apparel division. Rather we continue eating/wearing a similar brand over and over and again in light of the fact that that was only the manner in which we were raised. Moreover, we will in general keep the religion that was forced on us when we were kids. This is to some extent because of convention (on the off chance that it was sufficient for Mum and Dad its adequate for me) just as family/social weight. Obviously in certain social orders the weight verges on genuine physical dangers and disciplines in the event that you stray from the acknowledged overlap.

*Thanks to Christianity and its everything adoring, all-simply, all-forgiving God, more than 50,000 honest individuals were tormented and executed - they were designated "witches" yet were not any more real witches than the individuals who turned the thumb-screws, fixed the rack, and light the campfires encompassing the stake. Incidentally, this training is as yet going on in numerous remote zones in immature nations. God (and His workers here on earth) should balance their heads in disgrace for Exodus 22: 18 "Thou will not endure a witch to live".

With respect to versus Science

*According to Leviticus 11: 6 and Deuteronomy 14: 7, bunnies (for example - bunnies) cheweth the cud. This obviously is zoological rubbish. Chalk up one more Biblical uh oh.

*The widespread pattern over all of written history is that characteristic clarifications have replaced, for the most part surpassed in illustrative power, extraordinary (for example - religious) clarifications. I'd wager that is a pattern that will fight the good fight.

With respect to and Belief

*Saying that you simply know something (without proof to back up your insight) is simply not a pathway to truth.

*If you state your confidence trumps proof then you are absolutely impervious to both self-adjustment and impervious to contradict.

*Religious conviction is faith in the strange. There's not a single confirmation in sight in the religious pudding. Any evidence to be discovered comes after you've kicked-the-can and by then it's short of what was expected, to tell anybody.

*The thought of choosing what's actual dependent on what you need to be genuine is ridiculous in the extraordinary. The truth is the thing that the truth is and your convictions in actuality are unimportant. So any conviction framework that urges individuals to overlook the truth is a terrible conviction framework and that spreads Christianity directly down through and including New Age "Charm".

*The prime instructing of monotheistic religious confidence in an imperceptible enchantment man in the sky is a conspicuous model known to PC developers of GIGO - Garbage In; Garbage Out.

*Christian: You need to regard my convictions.

Nonbeliever: No! I may regard you similar to a fair and affable individual however that doesn't mean I need to regard what you have confidence in.

*You reserve a privilege to your private religious convictions until such time as you go too far and your religious convictions enter the open field and begin to hurt others.

*It's two-faced in the outrageous for you to pail the religious convictions of others when those convictions don't comply with your convictions and afterward anticipate that your religious convictions should get a free pass.

With respect to and Miracles

*For the Catholic Church to proclaim some occasion as a true blue marvel (for example Fatima, October 1917), well that is likened to a genuine adherent to Bigfoot or the Yeti announcing that a photo of a disintegrated 'primate' impression in the snow is total evidence of same. Genuine adherents will clearly embrace occasions that reflect proof for their actual conviction.

As to

*The thought that religious confidence naturally makes you a decent and moral individual is crazy in the outrageous. Penitentiaries in America, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, and so forth are brimming with Christians. Detainment facilities in Muslin nations are brimming with detainees of the Islamic confidence. And afterward as well, shouldn't something be said about those individuals of the fabric and the neckline - like Catholic (and other) ministers and other ministry who utilize their places of power to 1) rationally misuse little kids with unnerving dangers of interminable discipline in Hell and 2) who physically misuse youngsters in their consideration, particularly captivating in sexual maltreatment. Also, that is simply starting to expose the shades of malice submitted by those affirming religious confidence.

With respect to End Times

*Faith is a container! Proof? There have been a large number of exact prophetic estimates made by the reliable for the End Times; End of Days; the Second Coming; the Rapture; Armageddon; the Apocalypse, and so on. There have been multi-a huge number of devoted adherents who have accepted those prophets. Every single such prescience have fizzled. None have ever happened. Score: reality of extremely genuine reality 1; confidence 0.

*We're as yet pausing!

*Sorry Michele Bachmann and all related "End Times" fan, however one more day has gone back and forth but then once more, God's absent. Furthermore, Jesus, of Second Coming acclaim, has all the earmarks of being somewhat late also. Did they neglect to set the morning timers? Did they miss the transport? Perhaps their Holy Chariot had a level! Michele Bachmann and organization may accept that the end is near (and has been for very some extensive time) and the Rapture is up and coming (and has been for very some impressive time also), yet I believe it's quite alright for you to plan and pay for your next occasion and develop that savings for your long a long time in retirement.

With respect to Soul/Afterlife

*This may come as an amazement to numerous however there was no faith in a the great beyond in old Israeli Jewish people group. The main genuine reference to a life following death in the Old Testament is at Daniel 12: 2. That is it. There are no different hits "forever unceasing" or "endless life"; "life everlasting" or "everlasting life"; or "the hereafter" or "post-existence" or even "revival". So there's no area given for an existence in the wake of death in the Old Testament in light of the fact that with the one special case there is no understanding of a life following death in the Old Testament and Daniel 12: 2 discussed no the great beyond area. Well that is truly amazing given the conspicuousness the hereafter gets in the New Testament. Maybe existence in the wake of death was only an after-thought on God's part as in "well, it is extraordinary to have some relentless supply of new faces and friends to converse with me here upstairs on my brilliant position of authority".

*As long as religions can dangle existence in the wake of death carrot before the incredible unwashed (and furthermore in perspective on the not very good washed), you'll never dispose of the organization (particularly when it utilizes a huge number of individuals and creates billions in salary).

With respect to and Hell

*Regarding reports of the individuals who have had a look at paradise, the individuals who have revealed Near Death Experiences (NDEs), why no sightings of extraterrestrials in paradise? Is it in light of the fact that there are no outsiders? Is it since outsiders don't go to paradise? Is it since outsiders have their very own paradise?

*Faithful Christians go to Heaven. Dependable Muslims likewise go to Heaven. In any case, the Heaven that devoted Muslims go to is most likely not equivalent to the Heaven steadfast Christians go to. That would be ungainly and to some degree convoluted. (by means of Jason Boyett)

*Actually no one (as in mortal human True Believers) have ever climbed up to or generally gone up to Heaven as indicated by John 3: 13. I don't know how that jives with the tale of Elijah (2 Kings 2: 1 and 2 Kings 2: 11).

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