Monday 16 September 2019

That is it. Full stop. On the off chance that you wind up making a buck or two, that would be preferable, however that is not the situation here

Of all the philosophical Big Questions, the one of most noteworthy intrigue, the one that has spilled the most blood; consumed the brains of the greater part of us sooner or later or other; filled whole significant libraries with books start to finish; utilized a huge number of individuals; enlivened incredible centerpieces is that encompassing the truth of the domain of the heavenly, religion/religious philosophy, and the presence of a god or divinities and their associations and associations with us negligible humans - assuming any. Nonetheless, there are valid justifications to dump these ideas as having any association with the real world.

Before I'm asked what my objective or reason or rationale is here, I'll simply express that as a rule, the essential objective or reason or intention of anybody putting their considerations and philosophical worldview(s) into the open field is only that - putting their musings out there in the open field for all to view or peruse; concur with or can't help contradicting. That is it. Full stop. On the off chance that you wind up making a buck or two, that would be preferable, however that is not the situation here.

One: Over a great many years there have been a large number of religions and philosophies and by and large billions of devotees, every adherent trusting in the trustworthiness of their specific philosophical or religious brand. They can't all be correct, however they would all be able to not be right. Every single genuine adherent inside their own image of religion are skeptics concerning every other brand of religion. Genuine skeptics simply go for each situation only one religion further.

Two: Even the most over the top of the present harvest of conspicuous Christian genuine believers* would have sung the equivalent obsessive tune had they been conceived, raised, and inculcated into an alternate religious society and philosophical culture. That is, on the off chance that they coincidentally had been the result of a better place and time that didn't have Christianity as their in-your-face religion. One rather fascinating point is that in most of cases the offspring of religious guardians will more probable as not, as grown-ups, embrace and practice that equivalent religious conviction framework despite the fact that there are handfuls to pick and look over. I accept the significant word here is teaching - or perhaps mentally programming.

Three: The roots of religion(s) owes nothing to the genuine truth of a divinity or gods yet rather to the rationally determined idea consequently rationally imagined thought of office and specialists. In the event that anything unnatural occurred - multi-a huge number of years prior - the incredible unwashed and uneducated idea it must be because of the desire of a person or thing they couldn't see or generally recognize. In the event that our ancient predecessors couldn't make sense of who or what that office or agent(s) really was; couldn't make sense of a reason(s) for how or why something unnatural, strange or abnormal occurred (and that was essentially everything), they needed to imagine an organization or agent(s) that made it so. In the event that what happened was great, it was brought about by a decent operator or an upbeat specialist or a satisfied/charming operator. On the off chance that it was a terrible thing it more likely than not been brought about by an awful specialist, a wrathful operator and miserable operator, one who was not satisfied and not charming and by and large outright irritated. Since the office or operator was past the normal occasions of their reality and common encounters, they (the organization) must be otherworldly (and undetectable) specialists.

Obviously in this present day and age it's objective not to have confidence in a heavenly divinity (for example - God) or gods since nothing excessively unnatural, abnormal or atypical ever transpires. Science has practically taken what used to be strange and made it ho-murmur. Consistently all around you experience your day by day schedule and nothing even ambiguously extraordinary ever happens that must be ascribed to a powerful divinity, similar to God. Further, nobody else you know straightforwardly encounters God (aside from a couple of outrageous religious fundamentalists - see list underneath of the feasible suspects - who guarantee God converses with them all the time and gives them tips or preferably and all the more regularly over not alerts of His approaching anger). There's no every day news tales about individuals encountering God, and so forth or announcing powerful/marvelous occasions. All's that similarly that there are no day by day perceptions and reports and news tales about flying pigs, pink elephants, minimal green men, pixies occupying gardens, brilliant pots at rainbows end and obviously authentic exercises and appearances. On the off chance that you don't see monsters and unicorns consistently face to face, or as identified with you by others, or on the evening news it's not astonishing that these critters aren't a piece of your perspective, in contrast to typical pigs and elephants.

The second explanation behind concocting an extraordinary divinity is that demise is something normal, yet something that we might want to dodge. Since that is impractical, the following best alternative is an existence in the wake of death - an 'endless' eternity. In any case, since we can't experience that stage change all without anyone else, we need an otherworldly operator to enable us to make that stage progress. So it should not shock anyone that the hereafter is one of the significant inhabitants of numerous religions, yet the idea must be defective.

Initially, since your body/cerebrum goes no place post your end, you'd have to exhibit real personality/body duality - a unimportant something that is a piece of you (for example - soul, substance, soul, character, whatever) that still exists (on the off chance that it tends to be said that something unimportant or non-physical really has presence) post your kickin' the pail. Taking into account that you weren't imagined with anything non-physical, you'd have to clarify where in reality your non-physicality bits originated from. Further, all insignificant or non-physical ideas just can come into genuine 'presence' when intentionally considered or intuitively put away in memory. Both idea and memory are simply physical procedures.

Yet, there are two different issues. The first is that 'unceasing' piece. An interminable eternity sounds decent until you understand you'd outlive the Heat Death of the Universe, trillions of years consequently. In the event that you get exhausted on an end of the week evening, envision heaps of them. The inquiry is, how might you fill in that time without going blend insane with weariness many occasions more awful than anything you've at any point experienced previously?

The subsequent issue is progressively critical. Since that you that would you say you is changes from everyday, which variant of you is that you that gets existence in the wake of death? Changes in you are not only physical in that old cells kick the bucket, new cells structure; iotas come, molecules go; you put on weight, you get more fit; you change hairdos or grow a whiskers; you age (effortlessly or something else); your wellbeing and wellness changes also, typically going consistently downhill. Changes are likewise clear in your very pith which adjusts after some time also as far as recollections and learning gained and overlooked; different preferences same. With the goal that you at your demise could be only a pale impression of that you in your prime. Yet, your prime isn't the maximal prime with regards to the majority of the aspects that make you, the you perusing this at this moment, you. Your wellbeing or wellness could be better or more awful tomorrow. Your interests diverse tomorrow. Your new encounters presently included to what preceded; or possibly overlooked. Nonetheless, you could contend that God could restore you in such a style as to join the majority of the different maximal primes you had at different ages into an as good as ever form of you. Be that as it may, shouldn't something be said about the infant/newborn child who hasn't accomplished any genuine prime bits yet. All their prime bits are hypothetical and simply potential future ones. In any case, when the infant bites the dust they had no information, no genuine encounters, no recollections, and no genuine wellness (physical or mental). What sort of unceasing the great beyond could that newborn child have, or does an infinitely knowledgeable God simply revive the infant knowing what sort of maximal primes it would have had? Does that truly even bode well? That kind of invalidates any through and through freedom that child would have had!

The lesson of this little section is to utilize this go-round that you can for once it's done, it's finished. That is it. As Yogi Berra once watched, "it ain't over till it's finished", however once it's finished, it's finished! So "don't go delicately into that goodbye. Fierceness, rage against the withering of the light."

Four: You can't imagine a philosophical idea of a divinity (for example - God) out of mental reflections and tumbling and by idea alone and anticipate this (your) Maximally Greatest Being to then out of the blue come into or have had (and have) genuine presence. A thousand people will concoct a thousand distinct renditions of a Maximally Greatest Being(s), none of which would look like the God of the Old Testament incidentally, and not every one of them could similarly exist as no uncertainty conflicting adaptations would be rationally thought about. In any occasion, the undeniable truth is on the grounds that you can envision something doesn't give that something presence in all actuality.

Five: There is no autonomously irrefutable proof, far less confirmation, that God or some other divinity or gods really exist or existed. On the off chance that there were, the entire issue would be disputable. There would be no discussion. All it would take to persuade religious doubters (for example - nonbelievers) that the heavenly (for example - religion/religious philosophy and related divinities) existed would be for one undeniable supernatural occurrence to occur. In the event that they purportedly occurred previously (like the Sun and Moon stopping), why not presently? Supernatural occurrences, similar to the Second Coming, appear to be absent. However, discussing that divine occasion where the Sun and Moon stopped in the sky, if that had REALLY occurred, that occasion would have been noticeable any place the Sun and Moon had been unmistakable in the daytime sky; that is all through a large portion of the world. Had that been the situation the occasion would have been so observable as to have been recorded in various writings from all way of different civic establishments, social orders, or societies. That being the situation, Biblical researchers would have been shouting from the housetops "see, we let you know so". Tsk-tsk, no such housetop shouting has been

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