Wednesday 18 September 2019

There will be 12 doors with every one of the entryways being made of pearl

Presently that Satan, the majority of his fallen heavenly attendants and all of unsaved humankind have been thrown into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, there is just a single thing left. God will presently give the remainder of spared humankind their last compensate - the new paradise and the new earth. In all honesty, this is really going to be superior to anything what we will get during the Millennium Kingdom. This will be our last home something extremely wonderful happens when we get this new paradise and new earth.

When we get the multi year Millennium Kingdom, we get Jesus truly descending from paradise to lead our earth from the city of Jerusalem. When we get the new paradise and the new earth - WE WILL GET GOD THE FATHER HIMSELF LITERALLY COMING DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO OUR NEW EARTH AND NEW HEAVEN TO DWELL AND LIVE AMONG US FOREVER AND EVER! We will currently have both Jesus and God the Father abiding among us. Here is the thing that essentially will occur.

1. Our earth and our barometrical paradise will "pass away." In its place, we will get another earth and another climatic paradise.

2. There will never again be any oceans. 2/3 of the earth is water. With all the ocean waters being taken out, we will have more land space in which to oblige everybody.

3. There will never again be any night. It will be sunlight constantly. There will never again be any sun or moon to sparkle their light. The Bible says we never again have need of the sun or moon in light of the fact that the magnificence of God will enlighten the earth!

4. There will never again be any more passing in any capacity whatsoever. The scourge of Adam and Eve will have at last been split and discarded. In the Millennium Kingdom, on a par with it going to be, there is as yet physical demise for those people who endure the Tribulation and go into it physically.

Notwithstanding "passing" in any structure being taken out, there will likewise be no more torment since we will all have profound celebrated bodies. The Bible says that all distress, torment, crying and demise will be removed. Each tear will be cleaned away.

5. Everything will be made new. I don't figure our minds can even start to envision what this refrain is revealing to us just in that one explanation.

6. God the Father Himself will presently go onto our earth to live and stay with us for all eternity.

The Bible says that we will never again require the sanctuary that is in Jerusalem in the Millennium Kingdom. The Bible says that both God the Father and Jesus Christ will presently be simply the Temple of God!

The Bible says that the sanctuary of God will presently be with men, that we will abide with Him, that we will be His kin and He will be our God everlastingly.

7. In the Millennium Kingdom, Jesus will govern this world from the city of Jerusalem. It will be God's capital. Notwithstanding, in the New Heaven and New Earth, we will get a New Jerusalem.

The Bible says this new city will resemble a square. It's length will be as incredible as its width. Book of scriptures Scholars feel that this city may actually be 1500 miles wide. It will be tremendous!

This new city of Jerusalem will truly drop down from Heaven itself - it comes straightforwardly from God to us on this new earth. The Bible says that its dividers are developed of jasper and the city will be unadulterated gold like clear glass. It says that the establishments of the dividers will be embellished with a wide range of valuable stones - the primary establishment being jasper, the subsequent establishment being sapphire, the third establishment being chalcedony and the fourth establishment being emerald, and so forth. The Bible proceeds to express that there are clearly 12 of these establishments and every establishment is made with an alternate wonderful component. This is altogether depicted in Revelations 21:19-20.

There will be 12 doors with every one of the entryways being made of pearl. The boulevards of this city will be unadulterated gold. Every one of the 12 entryways will have a holy messenger on it. There will 3 doors each toward the north, south, east and west.

Since the majority of the terrible individuals have been taken out, there will be nothing left that will enter this sacred city that will contaminate it or bring on a horrifying presence in it. The doors to this city will consistently be open for all to enter in at whenever.

Presently here are the Scripture stanzas explicitly revealing to every one of us of this.

The Scripture Verses

1. This first stanza discloses to us that our earth and our paradise as we probably am aware it currently will "pass away," and in its place we get another paradise and another earth. This stanza additionally discloses to us that there will no more ocean in this new earth. Here it is:

"Furthermore, I saw another paradise and another earth, for the primary paradise and the main earth had passed away. Additionally there was no more ocean." (Revelations 21:1)

2. This next refrain reveals to us that the sanctuary of God will descend from paradise onto this new earth and that God Himself will abide with us - that He will be our God and that we will be His kin. This next section likewise reveals to us that God will wipe away every tear, that there will be no more demise, distress, crying or torment and that He will make everything fresh out of the box new! Here it is:

"Also, I heard an uproarious voice from paradise saying, "View, the sanctuary of God is with men, and He will stay with them, and they will be His kin, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. What's more, God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there will be no more demise, nor distress, nor crying; and there will be no more torment, for the previous things have passed away."

At that point He who sat on the honored position stated, "See, I make everything new." (Revelations 21:3-5)

3. This next section discloses to us that there will be no more sanctuary - that God and Jesus will be simply the sanctuary. It likewise discloses to us that we will never again have the sun or moon since God Himself will enlighten the earth with His brilliance. It additionally says there will be no more night and that the doors of the new city of Jerusalem will consistently be available to every one of the countries and that nothing that could debase it will ever go into it. Here it is:

"Be that as it may, I saw no sanctuary in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its Temple. What's more, the city had no need of the sun or of the moon to sparkle in it, for the magnificence of God lit up it, and the Lamb its light.

What's more, the countries of the individuals who are spared will stroll in its light, and the rulers of the earth bring their brilliance and respect into it. Its doors will not be closed at all by day (there will be no night there). What's more, they will bring the brilliance and the respect of the countries into it. Be that as it may, there will in no way, shape or form enter it anything that contaminates, or causes a cursed thing or an untruth, however just the individuals who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life." (Revelations 21: 22-27)

4. This next refrain additionally reveals to us that there will be no more revile from Adam and Eve and indeed expresses that there will be no more night. It says that we will see the essence of at any rate Jesus and conceivably God Himself and that we will rule with God and Jesus until the end of time.

"Also, there will be no more revile, yet the position of authority of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His hirelings will serve Him. They will see His face, and His name will be on their temples. Also, there will be no night there: They need no light nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. What's more, they will rule for all eternity." (Revelations 22:3-5)

5. Presently here are the sections about the new city of Jerusalem and what it will resemble.

"At that point I, John, saw the blessed city, New Jerusalem, descending out of paradise from God, arranged as a lady of the hour enhanced for her better half." (Revelations 21:2)

"What's more, he diverted me in the Spirit to an extraordinary and high mountain, and demonstrated to me the incredible city, the blessed Jerusalem, sliding out of paradise from God, having the brilliance of God. What's more, her light resembled a most valuable stone, similar to a jasper stone, quite obvious. What's more, she had an extraordinary and high divider with twelve entryways, and twelve blessed messengers at the doors, and names composed on them, which are the names of the twelve clans of Israel: three entryways on the east, three doors on the north, three entryways on the south, and three entryways on the west.

Presently the mass of the city had twelve establishments, and on them were the names of the twelve missionaries of the Lamb. What's more, he who chatted with me had a gold reed to gauge the city, its doors, and its divider. What's more, the city is spread out as a square, and its length is as extraordinary as its broadness ... Also, the development of its divider was of jasper; and the city was unadulterated gold, similar to clear glass.

Furthermore, the establishments of the mass of the city were embellished with a wide range of valuable stones: the primary establishment was jasper, the subsequent sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald, the fifth sardonyx, the 6th sardius, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst.

Also, the twelve doors were twelve pearls: every individual entryway was of one pearl. What's more, the road of the city was unadulterated gold, as straightforward glass." (Revelations 21:10-21).


As terrible as things will get later on, and conceivably sooner rather than later for us all, every Christian needs to keep his eyes on the last end. We initially get 1000 years of ideal harmony in the Millennium Kingdom with Jesus as the sole preeminent leader of this world, and afterward the last extreme end with the formation of a fresh out of the box new paradise and a pristine earth, with God the Father Himself boiling down to live and stay with us all for all eternity.

This new earth and new paradise will be past whatever our minds can even start to invoke. The above Scripture sections just give us a halfway vision and fractional learning of what we are generally going to wind up with in this new condition.

A most astonishing aspect regarding the Bible is the majority of the learning and data that is contained in it disclosing to us what is coming up for us all later on. When you put a ton of these refrains together like you would a jigsaw confound, the information and messages come through uproarious and clear. God the Father is really te

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